

About Us

Tynedale is one of the longest established u3as in the UK. We began life as Tynedale Leisure Learning way back in 1983 and last year celebrated our 40th birthday with an afternoon tea and the publication of the history of our first 40 years.

Monthly Meeting

On the first Tuesday of each month we have a main meeting with an invited guest speaker. These are held at Hexham Mart and are open to all members. There are more details on our Events page.


The activities of our more than 50 groups cover a broad spectrum of interests and we aim to enjoy ourselves and have fun while learning new things and passing on our own knowledge and enthusiasm. You are very welcome to "try before you buy" - come along to any of our meetings as our guest before you commit to joining but please contact the convenor first.

Beyond Tynedale there are many varied activities and events available regionally and nationally


Northumbria u3a is a formal Network of all the u3as in the North East stretching from Berwick to Yorkshire. To find out more visit the Northumbria region website, a place where our u3as can exchange information and support each other.
The regional newsletter The Messenger has all the latest news and events


Nationally you can find

  • online learning events,
  • free online talks, workshops and courses
  • online interest groups
  • research projects

Visit the Events and Learning pages of the National u3a site for more information, and did you know that there is a regular u3a Podcast showcasing news and stories from across the movement